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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

GET FREE TALKTIME: Hurrayyy...Its free actually

So, since evrybody is trying to get attention through FREE TALKTIME OFFER...and since it is regarded quite an USP..Well here it is i found one for us all.
Tried and tested..U do get it..Its best to be used when we are out of talktime during night , so this can bve used for saying goodbye ..

Here are the steps to get free talktime:

1)Signup for
2)Look at right side of the screen, click on invite friends or click here

Screen is as shown in picture:

3) Enter the email id of your friend to invite (Or use a bypass , enter your alternate/different id as a new person and invite yourself ).

4)Ask your friend to check the mailbox for the ibibo email and get him sigup @ibibo (If Bypass used: Then, Check your inbox for the gift email and signup as a new user)

5)Logged in Click here: Or you can
Click here and login to directly to make the call

6) Click Mega Caller on the right side of Screen and Link Your Mobile Number to your account.

7) You will recieve a Code by sms . Enter the code to verify your number.

8) Dial the number on Mega Caller..

9) You will recieve a call from Mega caller, Answer the phone.

10) You will be connected to your caller.

Note: the Number recieved by the reciever will be not yours but a different number..
They are according to me using Web Based VOIP TECHNOLOGY..VOIP was banned in India.

Process looks long but is simple. Links been provided so that you don't get lost on website. save as bookmarks for future and fast reference at time of need.

Happy Calling :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Dell Hinges: Why You Should Never Buy a DELL ...

Well, it was my first laptop and dell was the buzz word..They said world class after sales..They come to your home for repair, only online buy etc etc.

But fact is : In India , You don't buy Rs40000 product online.
So like many, it was purchased through a reseller.

But today, i want to share WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER BUY A DELL PRODUCT.

The Laptop INSPIRON 1525 , started disintegrating immediately after the expiry of the 1 yr warranty that came with it.

1)First came the charger shock,..Burnt...Not available in market.. From Dell for abt Rs1500-1800 depoending on rate at the time.
Difficult to get a compatible...Strangely enough we were many with same dell during my Post graduation , and they all had their chargers burnt immediately at the end of warranty period....surpised..?? Or they quality was made to last 1 yr only

2)Then came the turn of battery..The battery lost all its holding power and i could not work without the charger and each time a power cut, the laptop just switched off....And that lead to my Hard drive got burnt...and i lost my 2 years just in a flash :( ( I HATE DELL )

3)Finally the hinges...Look at the pictures..The screen just started coming off,..
I tried every posssible desi JUGAD to hold it together but nothing seems to work..
I even applied M-SEAL ..lolzz...

And rest pictures say for themselves.

(The wireless mouse is bcoz the Tap button on the touchpad is also broken..The key spring is dead)


Btw: I heard about New Dell TABLET CUM LAPTOP ...It has the keypad attached with a central 'HINGE' prices at abt @ 1 Lakh.... Anybody buying (should get a health policy frist , when the hinge break apart)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Go Green : Sell your Old mobiles for some CREDIT.

So, when i see a recycle bin in a nokia store, am tempted to use but then are they offering me anything for my contribution towards a Greener Earth ? Noo...So , i take back my olde cell phone back with me to be used or not but not giving it free.

But Recently an Online Shopping Site (LETSBUY.COM) has come out with a campaign whereby they pay us some credit / e-vouchers in return for recycling the elecctronic waste A.K.A mobile and Laptops.
While going through the campaign i saw not very great returns for Laptops but surely something good for an OLD CELLPHONE.

Here's the link:.LETSBUY GO GREEN

PS: i have not yet tried the service, So i can't write a review about it.
But if u have an old/broken cell phone and want to buy some electronics give it a try..They do have a rider on the minimum amount to be bought for the Credit coupon to be used...Hmmmm....

and Best Option for buying online is COD !!.. Even if they don't deliver , they will be @loss not you

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Violation Of Motor Vehicle Act and Penalties , Challans

Of late, its been seen that Motorist , have been fined heavily for Violating traffic laws under the Motor Vehicle Act.But most of times this fine is much higher that what is the actual fine under the Act.

I myself have been a victim, i was fined for not wearing a helmet for Rs 300/ while The MV ACT-1988 says , It should have been Rs100/ only.

After this i have been trying to raise awareness among the people and in this endeavour , i write this post. please share and know the Penalty slab.

This is also an initiate against bribing Because many a times we bribe to avoid bigger penalties while the truth is that the MV ACT , penalties are much lower and this is one of the way of making you pay bribe by scaring you with the fine amount.

I have listed only a few major violations which are common among motorists.

For a complete list refer to following links
For a PDF file, with violating sections:click here for pdf on panelaties and sections of violation of MV Act

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Free Sample of MOUTHWASH

here goto or click here ,
in the top bar click--->Your Sample--->Fill details and email id--> click on verification link sent in your email a/c -->Get Listerine Free Sample

I just oredered one , so thought sharing wid you all

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reserve bank Committees / Finance Committes in India

So, lets start again..was a bit busy in other stuff..But back now..

Here posting a list of Committes on Financial matters in India.

Its quite common question being asked in many competitive exam now a days...

These i think are the relevant , as on 2011...

But if intereseted , can have the full list @ below link:

PS: Please click on the image to enlarge it...