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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Using RTI (Right to Information ) to access your marks details in Govt Exams..

In this post , i shall post info on how to file an RTI in case you require to access information about your performance in Govt Exams like Bank exams, SSC exams, or state govt held exam by them directly or through some organisation..

Under Right to Information - 2005 , We can access this information in detail alongwith demanding access to even the answer sheets and verifying the marks.

For this Two important point one must note:

1) The Application should be sent by Speed post / registered ad post and reciept of the same be kept , preferraby speed post according to me as we can track the movement through web.

2) Must attach the requisite fees of Rs 10 (in most states) in the form of IPO (Indian Postal Order) or Crossed Bank draft.IPO can be obtained from any post office.

Now a sample RTI for accessing marks details and answer sheet. I used this applicantion for accessing my answer sheets from CDAC , Mohali who had conducted test on behalf of PSSSB , Punjab for Punjab govt jobs.

I got the reply within 30-35 days.. which is the allowed time in case of RTI.

PS: Don't forget to add RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT -2005 for seeking information.

Likewise don't forget to mention I AM A CITIZEN OF INDIA (check sample rti below)


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