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Wednesday, January 13, 2010


We are a bunch of students living in Pune,india and persuing our P.G.D.M .Since the slump in the market,we are awaiting our placement.Colleges is over for all practical purposes,our sallybus are done with and teachers have nothing more to teach us...So what we do......

We LEAN OURSELVES!!!..BUT NOT marketing,finance,telecom,hr but..........COOKING...

YUP....since Nov'09,we are sitting in our flats awaiting for goood offereings from MNC's...

but looks like they aren't till then they start hiring again.....what we do...we wait...

We sleep....we cook...we eat....and we sleep again to wake up for eating... :)

so from now on i shall be posting things we cook "OURSELVES"..give u recipes...

and share our tastes with you!!!.....


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